Let my wings spread and embrace you to the world of imagination...

Current feeling

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 in 18:06
It was all so crystal clear
Words like music in my ear
We had it going on, but something's wrong
Something's changed

'Cause when I'm with you these days
You feel a million miles away
Connection's not so strong
What's going on, what's going on?

'Cause every time I try to talk to you
I end up feeling so confused
Like you can't hear a word I'm saying
When I'm trying to be close to you
I'm having trouble getting through
I can't stand it, it's so tragic
I feel static between us

You turn your back, then you take my hand
It's getting hard to understand
Is it you, is it me?
Is it time or space you need?

When you're here, you're not around
Communication breaking down
If I say goodbye to you will I get through?
Will I get through?

'Cause every time I try to talk to you
I end up feeling so confused
Like you can't hear a word I'm saying
When I'm trying to be close to you
I'm having trouble getting through
I can't stand it, it's so tragic
I feel static between us

Feelings faded in and out
Tell me what to eager now
Hold tight or let it go
Oh I don't know
Heaven are you really there
Or have you disappeared
Oh I can't tell
It's like I'm talking to myself

'Cause every time I try to talk to you
I end up feeling so confused
Like you can't hear a word I'm saying
When I'm trying to be close to you
I'm having trouble getting through
I can't stand it, it's so tragic
I feel static


Saturday, 16 May 2009 in 19:51
Hello again Bloggers! Today, while I'm browsing on the net, and logged on to my blog, I found this site.
Maybe you'll ask, what is it? It's a female urination device, which allow female like us to stand while we pee. Okay it's kinda weird I think, but the site said it could be really helpful while you're in the no-toilet-condition, such as camp, or if you stuck in a traffic jam. When I saw it, my first reaction was "He?" hahahaha because it's so funny that I would never think to make one.

But, my friends once said, "If a woman pee while standing, it's count as a sin", so I think I would never use that. Beside that, Indonesia has a tradition named WC Jongkok hahahaha (Shabrina said that). But what made me laugh was it's quote,
You won’t be like a man. You’ll just pee like one.
Doesn't mean to be harsh, though.

So? What do you think?

Miranti tagged moi

in 16:50

Jibe tagged me this 18-questions-thing. I did my best hehe. So, let start!

1.What is your current obsession?
Being smart, and lose weight

2. What are you listening to?
On-The-Go 3 in my iPod

3. What is your favorite food?
I have a lot of favourite foods, it based on my appetite

4. What is your favorite smell?ter this?
Not most of Natural Wonders, Vic's Secret, or sumthin like that, makes me sick, and definitely his

5. What are you wearing today?
My sleep costume

6. Why is today special?
Because i have aches all over my body and it's not special btw

7.What would you like to learn to do?
Still, driving, and control my emotions

8. What's the last thing you bought?
Hmmm, canned tuna? Favorite instant food

9. What is your most challenging goal right now?

Being able to pass this hard life normally, getting along with my extra curricular, and passed my final exam

10. What's your must have piece for this Winter?
If, by chance I can go to a country which has winter, maybe wool ear-plug, knit beanie, good looking boots, and lots of sweaters

11. What would you like to have in hands right now?
Maybe my future? It's fun to know you have a promising future

12. What would you like to get rid of?
Bad habits of course

13. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
World Tour woohoo!

14. What are your plans for the future?
Good career, happy marriage, innocent children, make my parents proud and happy

15. Who do you want to meet right now?
Friends, and him

16. Describe your personal style?
As long as I feel comfortable, that's my style

17. What are you going to do after this?
Take a bath, or continue my bedrest (baca: leha-leha)

18. So, who will the next tag goes?
Karisa, Mucil, Uci, and Asyong (if he doesn't too lazy to update his blog)

Enjoy, mi amigo!

You Belong With Me

Wednesday, 13 May 2009 in 23:47
After being in love with Love Story, I'm in love with this, then all of her track in her new album.

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset
She's going off about something that you said
'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do

I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
And she'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You, you belong with me, you belong with me

Walking the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Hey, what ya doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's Cheer Captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me

Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry
And I know your favorite songs and you tell me 'bout your dreams
Think I know where you belong, think I know it's with me

Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you?
Been here all along, so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by and waiting at your back door
All this time, how could you not know?
Baby, you belong with me, you belong with me

You belong with me
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me?
You belong with me


in 23:05
Baca post gue yang ini dan ini.Wih syukur alhamdulillaaah kaga kerasa lagi tuh sakitnya. Kamis, Jumat, Sabtu, Minggu, Senin, berlalu dengan santai. Dimana gigi gue juga nyantai. Kaga rese, kaga sakit. Hari Selasa, nyantai juga coy tuh gigi. Asik ga tuh? Hari Rabu nih, men, masih nyantai juga dong. Makan lah gua Tenggiri Sambel Mangga. Enak banget sambel mangganya, asem pedes gimana gitu. Pas ngunyah, *terdiam sejenak* lanjutin ngunyah *terdiam lagi* stop ngunyah. Ada yang gak beres. Gigi gue sakit lagi coy! Tapi bukan yang gigi kiri. Gantian dong bro, yang gigi kanan. Wih ngajak ribut kaga tuh, minggu lalu kiri, minggu ini kanan, minggu depan dua-duanya gue udah pasrah aja lah kaga tau musti ngapain... Masa gigi kanan kiri mo dikorek2? Amit-amit ya Allah naudzu bilahi min zalik! Jangan sampe deeeeh! Takut banget. Itu sakit loh gusi lo dikorek pake kawat buat ngambil saraf yang mati, otomatis kan nyenggol-nyenggol saraf yang masih idup, ya udalah. Teriak nangis jungkir-balik juga kalo belom keambil dokternya pasti ngotot. Mana pas gue dulu, saraf yang mati ditunjukin lagi hii, kan darah-darah gitu bentuknya udah ga jelas gue ngga mau nginget. Gue kira gue doang yang ngalamin, eh si Tatatoet juga. Ditunjukkin juga sama dokternya dia. Haha dokter-dokter jaman sekarang ya bro. Ya mohon doa aja lah biar gigi gue ga sakit2 lagi amin!

PS: Gue ngepost pake bro, coy, men, dsb gara-gara inget Nabila sm Mega hahahahaha

Random Update

in 21:56
Jam 21:38, ato kira2 jam segitu lah, gue ngerasa laper banget. Ya maklum baru makan sekali pagi2, pas siang di keluarin, trus les jadi makannya tertunda. Yaudahlah gue buat omelet keju. Niatnya. Keju cuman ada Quick Melt. Yaudalah drpd ga ada, lagian it worked before. Mulailah gue meracik dan mengocok. Liat wajan, yang gede abis buat goreng ikan, gue males nyuci hehe, ambil yang kecil deh. Masukin minyak, nyalain kompor, tuang tuh telor. Gue puter2 tuh wajan soalnya takut ga bisa dilipet, kan kecil jadi musti lebar telornya. Sial, gara2 kejunya lengket, yang tadinya mau di lipet, malah ke korek. Gue udh laper banget, gue korek2 lah itu telor di wajan, aduk2 terus haha sebodo amat. Tapi kok kaga mateng2 ya lembek aja gitu kayak cream cheese. Tambahin minyak deh. Akhirnya gue kaga makan omelet keju tapi orak arik telor keju deh -_- ya gapapa lah laper juga apa aja dimakan hahaha.

Btw barusan temen gue namanya Nissa ngechat gue, nanya tugas,

Anissa says:
lis udh ngerjain tgs bio?
Aliciα says:
wah belom sama sekali
Anissa says:
knp gue bersemangat mengerjakan ya (
gue kira dia lagi mengerjakan itu tugas)
tp gue gatau yg mana (
nah ini...)
yg mana sih (
sama ini... yang bikin gue ngakak heboh hauhauahuaha)
Aliciα says:
haha elu bego bener sih ah
yang bab kordinasi aja

Stress ga tuh orang? Hahaha yaudah lah gapapa hari ini gue penuh ketawa, dan lo semua harus liat ini,

Gue dapet dari Des, ngakak parah liat ini. Berkali kali tetep aja ngakak dah, trus gue kasih videonya ke orang2, pada ngakak juga, Nissa liat juga ngakak. Dia bilang pandanya bersinnya kaya gua. Hahahaha siaul.

Btw Nissa baru bikin blog loh, klik di sini. Trus Asyong juga baru bikin Twitter, follow him di sini.

Thanks for your attention,

Random talks

in 13:53
Heeeey, I just changed my blog template. I love it! It's black, but filled by some faded colors. Cool huh? Btw, I should get going to my driving course right now, but... I'm not in the mood totake a bath or everything. Haha maybe I'll prepare everything in about half hour.
Tomorrow, we're going to school. Again. Blrgh! Why are they only give us 3 days? I want more! And I have forgotten what tasks should I do for tomorrow.

Btw, remember the signature in my previous post? Well, because my blog background is black, it doesn't look good in it. Maybe I'll use it again if I change my background into white. But I don't know when, white is too catchy. And bright. I don't like it, like my previous template. And also it took much more energy. That's why Google has its black version. Blackle. And here are some tips from Blackle to save energy. And Alanda Kariza also said something like this on her site. So now, try to use it okay?

Well this holiday, I found out that we could download Japanese comic as well! Yay! Haha I've download some. Because this holiday would be boring without something to read. Oh and I've bought Sitta Karina's Titanium at Sunday, and I intend to finish it right away hahaha. And the story is good! Talking about comic reminds me of a quiz in facebook. The title is "Golongan manakah andadi Labschool angkatan BT". The creator was Edo. He always doing something like this in his free time hahaha Edoooo! And guess what, my result was something related to ekskul Bajep. Wtf? I'm not in Bahasa Jepang, Do, I'm in Bahasa Perancis (maybe its worse haha)!

Okay, I think I should prepare to my driving course. See you soon!


in 10:03
Hai gue lagi libur, trus gue iseng2 gitu buka2 link gitu, trus nemu MyLiveSignature, trus gue bikin deh, herannya dari 120 pilihan kok kaga ada yang oke ya? Yaudah klik yang kaya tinta2 gitu deh trus ini lagi nyoba.

Gitu deh macem cina2 gimana gitu. Trus gue ga ngerti deh habis dibuat mo diapain haha namanya juga iseng ;>

Lari Jumat

Friday, 8 May 2009 in 18:33
Heey tebak tadi gue lari Jumatnya semangat banget loh hahahahahaha selalu yang terdepan! Sampe dicengin Bebek sama Dila ahaha sialan. Tapi bete ahirannya bahu kanan gue sakit nyut2 kalo lari kenceng2. Gara2 waktu kecil patah. Haha tapi gapapa, olahraga adalah cara menuju kurus!! Hahahahaha. Eh Taylor Lautner jadian sama Selena Gomez loh, tapi gue suka Selena lucu di Wizard of Waverly Place jadi oke aja deh ahahahaha, ga penting yah.

Prince Phillip <3

Thursday, 7 May 2009 in 20:27
Alicia just took the "What Disney Prince Best Suits You?" quiz and the result is Prince Phillip.
So I'm Aurora indeed? (Pede abis haha)

He is no wimp when it comes to fighting for you! He'd go through thorns and Evil Dragon Witches before giving you up. He is attracted to you because of your mysterious beauty, your great voice and your innocence.


Wednesday, 6 May 2009 in 17:07
I couldn't agree more with you, Shabrina!


in 06:01
Tadi pagi pas mandi gigi gue udah ga sakit. Sekarang........... Sialan sakit lagi!

Screw you!

Tuesday, 5 May 2009 in 14:37
Got a great tootache here! My doctor gonna pick the dead neuron outta my injured tooth using extra-extra-thin twisted wire. Ya kno wat? It hurt a lot so automatically I scream out loud. To be honest I don't wanna feel those pain anymore. But sadly, I feel hurt when I chew! That means I have to meet the dentist soon. And having that hurt moment once again. Dammit. Screw that toothache!


Monday, 4 May 2009 in 20:30
1. I haven't make CV and letter for English task, and it was supposed to sign on May 1st.
2. I'm so happy that today we were throwing eggs and smelly other things at Andini and she was gross!
3. He haven't contact me yet.
4. I tried to understand things but I couldn't.
5. Tomorrow, my deskmate will left me alone for Blast.
6. I haven't clean up my nail polish, just wish I won't meet Mrs. Susan.
7. Thank God, I'm not the one who haven't made those tasks. I have Mandy and Nissa hahaa.
8. I just found out that Twittering is fun!
9. So does Tumblr.


Sunday, 3 May 2009 in 23:14
I currently like:

Demetria Lovato (since she appeared in Camp Rock with Joe Jonas as her co-star),

Reblog or like something on this site,

Smoky, wheww!, and

Set my messenger status as busy, even appear off sometimes, and keep my yahoo offline.

And what I've just find out is:

This isn't too fun anymore,

Ellen Page who well-known as a pregnant tennage girl Juno was act as Kitty Pryde in X-Men 3, and

I'm not concerned about my health lately, hahahaha

PS: Sorry for bad English, sleep mode on already!

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