Let my wings spread and embrace you to the world of imagination...


Friday, 24 April 2009 in 01:25
Abis bc komik. Tp gabisa tdr. Akhirnya chat pk hp sm bebek sm asyong. Tp sakit jempolnya ngetik habis dipotong kedaleman. Bebek lg sedih kasian. Trus dia nyari gue gue ga ol lg bc komik. Dia curhat ke asyong deh. Tp bebek udh off dia cape ktny. Trus gue pgn tdr sbnrnya bsk hrs bgn pg. Tp males en susah... Skrg tiap malem gini (kec. lg libur pergi) deh bt. Pgn beli hp yg keypadnya empuk buat nulis. Udah malem udah ah isengnya bye!

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